Friday, January 17, 2014

Did You Know?

Along with this blog and a Facebook page, we also have an Instagram account. You can find and follow us with #mytrail90crew.

Friday, January 3, 2014


Bobby found this awesome Gopro video recently. Give it a look-see if you feel like being inspired :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 proclamation

     Today is the second day of a new year. 2014. No longer do we say to people "Next year we'll be taking this ridiculous and epic adventure..." This is the year it all happens. Now, I am a firm nonbeliever in New Year's Resolutions. I feel they set one up for failure. I've decided, instead of making a resolution, I will make a proclamation. We will be packing up our lives in six short months and heading out to who knows what and I will be documenting this, one blog, Facebook, and Instagram update at a time. And rather than a resolution- a guilt fueled wish to document all this preparation, I've decided to make some changes this year to my blogging style. As you can clearly see, there has been a serious lack of blog entries for the past couple of months. Aside from life in general pulling me away from my duties, I've found that I have a serious lack of inspiration. Every time I sit down in front of my computer, a very frustrating sequence of events goes down; first I'm determined and full of ideas. Then as I begin typing, I start to pick my work apart. I don't want to be negative and I want to keep the focus on My Trail 90 Crew. This has been really difficult lately (hence the lack of entries) as our lives and the preparations for our journey have not always been coming up roses. So I've given myself permission to set myself free. Yes, this blog is an excellent PR tool but keeping it in a Pollyanna group voice has left me feeling creatively drained. So I move forward in this year and the final months at home with a new and personal voice. When I doubt my decision, I'm reminded that this blog isn't just for you, dear readers. It's for us.